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In 2019 I attended a session talking about web application penetration testing and I was impressed and fascinated by the idea of how could you break something in the favor of making it more secure, this will make me learn what happens behind the scenes in a lot of technologies and systems

So I started searching about cybersecurity and try hard to find any material or course that’ll guide me through this field. I started with a local offline course that was in the web application track but it wasn’t good enough, So I thought that I must build a strong basic before building any knowledge, and started with SANS network book SANS 401.1 and after finishing it I headed to study the OSCP materials and finished it in about 3-4 months, Then I thought that I must practice so I solved a lot of hack the box retired machines and wrote write-ups for each machine. I’m in love with programming, So I wanted to enhance my programming skills in the field of Cybersecurity so I studied a python course on Udemy by Zaid Sabih named “Udemy - Learn Python & Ethical Hacking From Scratch” and build a lot of tools and scripts that are so helpful in cybersecurity. Then I participated in Cybertalents’ scholarship in partnership with TrendMicro that lasts for 3 months in two major tracks (Ethical hacking & Web Application penetration testing) and I was in the top 10 in both CTFs created after each track. Now I’m strengthening my skills in web application penetration testing and Network penetration testing through learning and practicing on Portswigger materials and Solving machines at HackTheBox.